Sunday, April 25, 2010

Brave New World Ending

The Book A Brave New World had an ending that I did not expect, but truly didn't really enjoy. The whole book seemed like a rip off of 1984. The entire plot overall was just about the same. A dominant oppressive society, a member of this society attempts to rebel, a strong female character is involved for a driving love story, it always ends in tragedy. I really didn't think much of this book, it was cool, but it seemed to be very parallel to 1984 in all respects.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Brave New World

The new book that I am reading is Brave New World. This book has a very unusual look on the future that closely resembles Orwell's novel 1984. Their society runs on a caste system which does seem to work due to the fact that their society is thriving, however the lower caste system, and upper caste system have little to do with their own fate. Free choice is sacrificed in creating a "perfect" community and when you loose free will then society can not be perfect. Being breed to do one job completely eliminates freedom.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Ending to A Clockwork Orange

This ending seemed to remind me a lot of the ending to 1984. Both of those ended somewhat tragically with not the person dead, but so much useless. Alex resorted back to his old ways tragically showing that he was in fact NOT reformed. However just as this kicks in, he seems to fantasize about a family he might have after running into one of his old droogs. This can be seen as a ray of light in which Alex seems to have something good come from the situation. Maybe there is hope that one day he will throw off his violent ways on his own free will. Forcing him to do this however will not work.

Friday, March 19, 2010

A Clockwork Orange

This novel bases its rehabilitation process as loosing free will. Now although this is an extreme, I believe there are suitable rehabilitation process that will work with time, rather than a quick-fix such as one in A Clockwork Orange. Therapy can be used to help with mental issues, and some minor drugs can be taken to ease the side effects. What they proceeded to do in A Clockwork Orange was a form of torture and brainwashing. Although it "worked" there is much room for speculation due to the loss of ones personal choice. Alex wanted to commit crimes, but he could not...this is not truly a fix. It is the same as keeping him locked up because he became a prisoner of himself.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Feb 12 2010...Dumbest Generation

In response to the video we watched concerning our generation,
I completely disagree with everything that professor said about my generation. We where called "lazy and ignorant" when really HE isn't taking the time to look at the positive side to our new technology, and our generation as a whole. Concerning his matter of us not being interested in the classics...every generation has people who are smarter than others, and some that are truly idiots. OUR generation has people who are interested in the classics, and the arts, while others are interested in other things such as sports. I'm not saying one is better than the other, but to accuse TEENAGERS of not studying the Smithsonian after class is ridiculous. Another thing that bothered me is him saying that we use our technology as a waste of time to just talk to each other. While some of that may be true, our technology has been faster and more efficient than any other generation known to date. We can simultaneously write a paper while we communicate with our friends about where to get lunch. Our generation is not the dumbest, but after all that is happening in the media, probably the smartest, and best connected to ever be.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I am aware of how much technology truly does run my life. For the most part, I like to believe that it is a necessity. Whether it be for homework (such as this) or sending emails to communicate with people I otherwise wouldn't be able to talk to. Without technology we would not advance as people. There are some people who believe that technology is advancing us in the wrong direction, making us lazier, and more dependant on it than ever. This may be true, but my personal opinion is that if someone takes it upon themselves to be aware of their use of technology then we will grow faster. I do not want a TV in my room, and I have no video game system. That being said I do use technology in my downtime, or when I am bored. I believe that it is OUR personal responsibility to decide, and change the way our lifestyles.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

About Me

I'm 20 years old going to Shippensburg University with a Major in Business, and a Minor in Music. I love the Philadelphia Eagles, Phillies, and pretty much any other Philly Team. I'm from a big music town called West Chester outside of Philadelphia. I play guitar (a lot), piano, and a little bit of drums and bass. I've been playing guitar for 9 years now. THANKS FOR READING